If we are to achieve a green transition, we must all take action.
Nordic Plastic Recycling
It was Ovun AS (former PartnerPlast AS), Astero AS, RIR AS and Cipax AS who in 2016 first joined forces and established the company Nordic Plastic Recycling (NPR). Since then, Romsdal Innovation also joined the company that will collect plastic for recycling.
The ownership of NPR today is;
- Ovun AS – 34,8 %
- Pioner boat AS – 34,8 %
- Romsdal Innovasjon AS 29,883 %
- Astero AS – 0,425 %
- RIR næring AS – 0,092 %
In an area belonging to Ovun in Åndalsnes, the plastic products that are returned from our customers will be sorted and ground. The material is then processed back into new material which will be new and strong plastic products.

Utrøna Innovasjonssenter
In 2020, we moved into new premises at Utrøna Innovation Center. We are here located next door to Ovun and other skilled tenants.
Plastics are very suitable for reuse when handled correctly. Through our work, we will do our part to make sure that we leave our children and grandchildren with a world that continues to flourish.